Thursday, February 24, 2005

Producers Idol

I'm a big fan of American Idol, but one pet peeve I've had since the beginning has come to the forefront this year. America isn't given equal coverage of all 24 semifinalists, and it negatively effects the vote during this round. The producers pick their favorites from early on and focus on only a handful of potential finalists throughout the process, showing background documentaries and playing every single audition performance.

Yesterday, Melinda Lira pointed out the fact that she wasn't shown at all virtually all the way through the process and therefore, American isn't invested in her the way they already were in everyone else. Granted, Lira sucked and I'm glad she's gone, but the other female who was booted, Sarah Mather, was felled by a similar fate and she didn't deserve to go. I had her name written down as one of my favorites from the original audition. Then she went MIA, never being mentioned on screen again until this round.

I just think it sucks and I hope a talent like Aloha Mischeaux (who caused us to say, "WHO?" when the announced her as a semifinalist) can stick around long enough for us to get to know.

Who am I rooting for? Constantine and Carrie Underwood.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I almost wish that America didn't have the choice on who wins. Although, last year, no one in the final 12 were good. I wish it was more like Survivor and let America vote who they want to be voted off instead of who their favorite is. At least until they get to the final 8 or so.