Saturday, December 11, 2004

TV musings

Before Melissa and I had kids, our pop-culture fix was fueled pretty evenly, 33% music/33% T.V./33% movies. In college it was more like 49% Movies/49% music and 2% T.V. Now adays, we get to maybe one movie a month if we're lucky, so it's about 80% T.V./15% music/5% movies.

Most of the best shows on t.v. right now are amazingly, reality shows. I grew tired of the fringe reality shows that started coming out but a few are sticking around that I love. Here's my reality top-5:

1. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
2. The Amazing Race
3. Survivor
4. The Apprentice
5. Wife Swap

Right now, I'm also consistently watching the following shows (for better or worse): Monday Night Football, Scrubs, Oprah, Dr. Phil (hey, there TiVo'd, what can I say), The O.C. of course, Saturday Night Live, Without a Trace, the original CSI, the simpsons, and Sunday Stew: Pimp My Ride, Viva La Bam and You've Got a Friend.

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